In 1954, Marian Keech convinced her followers that aliens from planet Clarion had sent her a message that the world was coming to an end on December 21, but that they could be saved. When the world did not come to an end, Mrs. Keech and many of her followers reduced cognitive dissonance by

In 1954, Marian Keech convinced her followers that aliens from planet Clarion had sent her a message that the world was coming to an end on December 21, but that they could be saved. When the world did not come to an end, Mrs. Keech and many of her followers reduced cognitive dissonance by

a. deciding that the aliens had been pulling a practical joke on them.

b. deciding that their efforts had been justified and had spared the planet.

c. trying to bring about the end of the world on their own by encouraging the U.S. President to start World War III.

d. using logical analysis to realize that they had been mistaken.

Answer: b

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